Marketing, e-commerce & project management
With a Masters degree in IT, Communication and Organization I have acquired the necessary knowledge and experience to solve larger complex tasks in IT-related and communication and organizational projects. This coupled with knowledge acquired from my Bachelor of Arts and a year at The Master of Arts (information worker) I have successfully been able to complete projects in a professional, analytical and practical fashion.
I specialize in B2C marketing, graphics design, web graphics, IT strategy and e-business, communication, online communication, and supplier nogotiation
Cand.ITKO (MScIT) University of Aarhus (2004)
IT, Kommunikation & Organisationsledelse
Specialty: E-business & IT-strategi
Core competences: marketing, intercultural marketing, crisis communiacation, IT strategy and e-business, projecty management, IT-based marketing and communication, webdesign & programming og knowlegde management.
Bachelor of Arts - University of Aarhus (2001)
English and German International market communication
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The curriculum vitae contains all the info you have read here. Click to download.
Download Master theses - synopsis
Read the synopsis from my master theses and how Porter's Value chain was readily exchanged for elements of the value shop to create sustainable competitive advantages in e-business.
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