
Copyright chrmoller.org © All Rights Reserved

Don't get smart! Get smarter!


If you think you are on top of your game - it is only a matter of time before you are second. Competitive advantage of a company is only based on the ability of the company's resources to continiously combine and develop to create core competencies.


On the site you can learn much more about who I am, what I have done professionally, and what base of knowledge I can bring to you company's ressouce-pool to help strengthen your competitive advantage in the marketplace.


chrmoller.org is currently undergoing re-construction, but I hope to provide a lot more info in the upcoming days and weeks.


Feel free to contact me, if you have any questions.


Kind regards

Christian Hedegaard Møller

MScIT and Marketeer

CHRMOLLER.ORG - english version

Marketing, e-commerce & project management